The Myths VS. The Facts About Phone Sex


Phone sex has such a stigma attached to it that it has created its own mythology. The media has never truly given a revealing look into the phone sex industry that wasn’t tainted by this stigma. Many books written on the topic are only a one-sided view and do not encompass the industry as a whole. While there are some bad elements in this business; there are far more reliable and honest ladies in it than one might imagine. The most common myths about the industry are discussed below. I hope they provide you with some different viewpoints.

MYTH: All I can discuss is twisted perverted sex scenarios and fantasies.

FACT: A phone sex service is not a counseling service, but it can be a wonderful thing to hear a woman’s opinion or ideas. Most services or operators will welcome just friendly talk about relationships, offer advice, sex tips, and the like.

MYTH: The operator is “laughing at the perverts who call” behind their backs.

FACT: This is not at all the case! Although occasionally there are bad elements in our business… most operators and services are genuinely concerned and interested in you. As a caller, you can most likely tell the difference between a girl who is interested in you… and one who isn’t. Surely it becomes pretty clear during your conversation. And a person who behaves in this manner just simply lacks class and ethics! Most operators would never dream of placing judgments of any type onto their callers.

MYTH: All phone sex operators are big fat lazy housewives filing their fingernails while they talk to you.

FACT: Phone Sex Operators come from all walks of life; for the most part they are professional, intelligent, empathetic, interesting, and normal women who enjoy discussing fantasies openly and frankly on the phone. While operators are human, and sometimes may not feel like working like everyone else, they are not lazy or always distracted from you. Quite the opposite is true; most are good listeners and want to “communicate” with you as a person.

MYTH: All guys who call phone sex are weird perverts.

FACT: The men who call for phone sex are usually one of the following things: father, son, brother, uncle, husband, boyfriend, college student, doctor, lawyer, car salesmen, bank manager, insurance salesmen, store clerk, stockbroker, entertainer, writer, truck driver, teacher, business owner, or even a politician. An operator/service should treat you as a PERSON… an individual…. and with simple respect.

MYTH: Phone Sex Operators will talk slowly and run up your time just to keep charging you more.

FACT: Not if you are dealing with an ethical service. Besides – this is a SERVICE themed business that caters to YOU, and YOU have control over what you spend. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you believe this is the case.

MYTH: I can’t “get off” over the telephone.

FACT: A stimulating sexually explicit conversation can and does result in 2 people “getting off” all the time. If you have an imagination then you CAN enjoy phone sex.

MYTH: Phone Sex Operators are just greedy and want money.

FACT: A good many phone sex operators actually enjoy talking, flirting, and exploring fantasies. Phone Sex IS a big money-making business and often operators do make a lot of money, but it is not the only reason they chose this field of work. Stereotyping phone sex operators are just as wrong as stereotyping any other group of people.

MYTH: Phone Sex is cheating on my spouse and morally wrong.

FACT: Different people have different morals, values, and religious beliefs in this crazy world. Phone sex cannot be classified in a legal sense as cheating, or as an affair. There is no emotional or physical involvement between a caller and an operator. The phone sex industry itself is a fantasy-oriented Adult Entertainment Service and nothing more. believes it is up to each individual/couple/marriage to define what cheating is and isn’t to them. We do not believe it is our place or anyone else’s to make moral judgments about a person or their relationship.

MYTH: I will become a pervert if I call a phone sex service.

FACT: You may discuss fantasies, even some of which may be considered against the norm… but you may never want to try them in real life. Some things are best left in the fantasy world, yet it may be entertaining to discuss them with a real live person.

MYTH: You can’t avoid getting ripped off by a phone sex service.

FACT: Not true! There are many ethical and professional phone sex businesses that exist. Many many companies DO want to keep their customers happy. Like ANY business – there can be some bad elements but they are rare; most services are not out to rip you off.

MYTH: Phone Sex Operators are nothing but a bunch of dumb low-class chicks who can’t get a job doing something better.

FACT: This is a completely false statement. Most phone sex operators are intelligent businesswomen who try to run a very clean ethical business that will please their customers.




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