If you have ever wondered what makes a phone sex service truly stand out from another – you might want to look into the service’s ethics. Yeah, even the phone sex industry needs some ethics. I know lots of company owners and different services who use good business ethics. But there are lots out there who do not too. I wrote this list of ethics, take a peek.
The following info is related to the small private Internet-based adult phone sex service and I wrote it a few years back.
We will operate within the laws of our city, state, and country.
We will not intentionally misrepresent facts or our services to customers.
We will service our callers with respect, professionalism, competence, and most importantly as an individual who deserves a very specific type of attention.
We will make all billing information clear and concise via the web or telephone. We will also offer clear contact info to our Customer Service Department who can handle any issues that arise.
We will keep caller information and records of caller conversations/entertainment completely confidential.
We will treat our website visitors, our callers, and fellow service owners with honesty and respect.
We will not take advantage of private caller information for our service, or for profit.
We will accept only phone calls that we are qualified for, by either experience or competence to indulge in the fantasy.
We will only assign phone sex operators to a caller that has experience, knowledge, professionalism, and expertise.
We will immediately acknowledge our ability to provide the service to our callers and will offer to withdraw from a conversation when we cannot.
We will notify callers of additional billing done to their credit cards, and to any rate increases with a clear-cut explanation of the reasons.
We will ensure that our business databases are not directly connected to the Web. And that we use every method available to protect our computers.
We will honestly disclose any commissions that we will receive for websites or services we recommend to our customers.
We will not use “scam” tactics or bait and switch “tricks” to lure customers into our websites.
We will create a pleasant Website that will not annoy surfers with pop-up windows, devious redirects, or with a cookie-cutter theme.
We will contact law enforcement in any situation where crime is suspected.
We will not attempt to “litter” the search engines with banner or link farms, or create pages that lack content.
We will not make financial demands upon our callers beyond the charges for the service itself.
There will be NO requests for tips, gifts, extra money, or favors.
We will not string our callers along simply to make more money from them.
We promote honesty among our entire staff.
We do not allow conflicts of interest to occur within our business, with our competitors, or with our customers.
We will not barter for services with our customers.
We work well with our competition as Business Professionals and do not involve callers in outstanding issues we may be involved in. We obey the law and we put considerable efforts into running our individual businesses that make this apparent to our customers.
We will respect the Intellectual Property, Trademarks, and Copyrights of our callers, and other phone sex services. We will not use content, photos, stories, domain names, and the like without permission. We also will report violations of this Code of Ethics to all affected parties.
If and when an issue arises with another company/owner we will work hard to resolve it in a calm, competent, responsible, ethical, and professional manner.
We will never speak on behalf of another company, service, or owner. We have respect for our competitors and believe they can handle their own issues.