It’s Masturbation Time!

Females I know and girlfriends I have cannot get the concept of why a man masturbates. Sometimes they delude themselves into thinking their boyfriend or husband doesn’t do it. Seems the general consensus is that it’s ok for a teen boy to do it, but not an adult man.

I stay quiet. I say nothing. I’m not giving the secrets that I know away. Nope. I want to keep the knowledge that I have. I know the reality. I just understand men better because I am a phone sex operator. I’m fortunate… not only do I get to talk about smut all day, but I get the truth from guys too.

I’ve talked about it extensively with my callers. I know that men never stop tally whacking. They do it their entire lives and furthermore, they LIKE it. I’ve got callers who range in age from 21 all the way up to one horny perv I talk to that is 81. And you would think that the 81-year-old would do it less often … but he tells me he doesn’t. I know what a freak he is…. So I believe him when he says it. Even guys that are getting hot steamy adventurous sex are still auditioning the finger puppets quite often.

Masturbation as one caller told me… is kind of like releasing a pressure value. All that testosterone builds up and it must explode, so hey it is a biological need. I agree with those that ,but more than that is the fact that masturbation can relieve tension too.

I always call it a mini-vacation. Sounds funny perhaps, but basically that’s what it is. You just escape reality for a short time and give in to pleasure. I mean firstly we all deserve that once in a while, but it’s also healthy to take a little break from reality too. Masturbation is something we give ourselves, a gift because we can be purely selfish and not have to worry about working hard to get somebody else off. And unless you call me – nobody else even has to know about it. All you have to do to take a masturbation vacation is just open your pants, close your eyes, and rub one out.


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