Yesterday I had what I guess was a migraine headache. I wasn’t really sure and had to ask someone I knew about them. It wasn’t horrible or anything, just annoying as I am not used to headaches without a hangover lol. But I ended up finishing my day earlier than normal. I honestly can not do and have a fun phone call if I don’t feel well. I want to enjoy myself too, and it’s impossible when you are not feeling like your normal self.
But interestingly, due to the lack of sex during my normal day – I had a wickedly naughty sex dream. It was one of those very vivid ones where you almost FEEL it. Apparently, I was feeling this one lol as I woke up in the middle of a very intense orgasm. It was a really long and slow throbbing sensation. It was so strong that literally, it woke me up. I’m damn glad it did, of course, or I might not have remembered it! I felt great this morning too lol!
My boyfriend always says I am a little nymphomaniac – that I need too much sex. He says I am horny every waking moment, but I am also horny in my sleep too lol!